Biography of Joseph Therrien

It is with pleasure that we announce the publication of a new biography of Joseph Therrien. This biography has just been published by Rachel Laplante, daughter of Angelina T. Laplante. Her mother was on the Board of the association for the years 1985 to 1987.

Here is a summary of Rachel Laplante on the biography she has written.

Mes racines, mes amours

Book of Rachel Laplante

Descendant of Pierre Terrien de La Rochelle, Joseph Therrien, born from a modest family, is determined to escape poverty. So he left for Western Canada where he was employed in a coalmine. He spends his evenings and Sundays to excavate the bed of the river to discover gold. Following the misadventures, he returned to Québec and settled in Saint-Claude, in the parish where his parents also remain. He meets a young girl, Emma Marceau, whom he married and with whom he had five children, including my mother, Angelina Therrien. I do not want to enter into to much details, but I will end by saying that the biography continues with the meeting of my parents, their union and their accomplishments, all decorated with many old photos of my ancestors, the family of Joseph Therrien and my family.

For more information, see “Publications on Terrien

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